
More growth, more turnover,more clients.


You do what you do best and we will handle the marketing, and together we will scale your business to the next level.


Marketing your business’s social media has profound affects on client growth. Not taking advantage of such an asset is a direct disadvantage against your business. You can take on social media marketing as another project and double your workload or you can enjoy the already few hours you have to relax and let us handle it.

About us

We understand that most business owners do not have time to worry about marketing because they are constantly working on solving day-to-day business problems. We at AV Marketing work efficiently and effectively to grow your business online and save you time in the process. We are a local business and when problems arise, we are only a phone call away.

Why us

We are a results-driven agency with a strong business lens and believe in having skin in the game because if you win, we win. Sure you can hire a massive firm and pay a big monthly retainer but the reality is your account will not receive the required attention it deserves. We guarantee you that partnering with us will grow your business.

“It’s hard to find things that won’t sell online.”

-Jeff Bezos

Would you like to know what we could do for you? Fill out the form and we’ll get back to you. No obligations, no annoying high pressure sales tactics. We won’t waste your time.

AV Marketing



South Africa

If you have any questions, let us know.


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